This site is for UK investment professionals only. If you're not an investment professional, please find out more about us at
Give your clients a way to grow their money
Whether they’re saving for a specific goal or just saving in general, you can help them fund their ambitions tax efficiently with our VitalityInvest Stocks & Shares ISA.
How the plan works
A VitalityInvest ISA is a way for your client to save their money and help it grow, tax-free.
Qualifying criteria applies – please refer to our terms and conditions.
Healthy Fee Saver.
With our low product and fund charging structure, together with the Vitality Programme, our plans with Healthy Fee Saver help support your clients’ portfolios.
- Competitive fund charges: on all Vitality funds. Starting at 0.25% p.a for our Risk Optimiser funds.
- Healthy Living Discount: the opportunity to pay the lowest product charge in the market – zero. Our product charges start as low as 0.25% p.a. And we’ll apply no product charge on the amount above £250,000 for all investors. Plus, when your clients take steps to be healthy, improve their Vitality status and invest in Vitality funds, they could even enjoy zero product charges across their whole plan.
- Vitality Programme: bring health and longevity to your financial planning. Your clients get automatic access to our Vitality Programme at no extra cost. It helps them take steps towards a healthier future – and rewards them for it with real financial benefits.
ISA Toolkit.
In this toolkit, you can easily access everything you’ll need to talk to your clients about our ISA. We’ve highlighted the most popular resources in yellow, and you can find a list of the others below. You'll find other toolkits throughout our website.
Reasons to choose VitalityInvest brochure
VitalityInvest at a Glance - Healthy Fee Saver
Adviser due diligence guide
Funds guide
Looking to invest your clients' money in Vitality funds for the long term?
About our ISA
Easy to work with

Where to next?
Healthy Fee Saver with Boosters
We also offer plans which can give your clients' investments a boost over the longer term when they invest in Vitality funds.
Healthy Living Discount
By making healthy lifestyle choices, your clients can save more on product charges through our Healthy Living Discount.
Junior ISA
Choosing a VitalityInvest Junior ISA is an ideal way for your clients to invest on behalf of their children and give them a financial head start.
Retirement Plan
Discover our personal pension plans that allow your clients to save towards their retirement and access their savings flexibly when they retire.

or call 0800 096 4368
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Monday to Thursday: 8am - 9pm
Friday: 8am - 7pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: closed
The value of investments – and the income from them – can go down as well as up, meaning your client may get back less than they invest.
Any tax benefits your client receives depends on their individual circumstances as well as current tax law – both of which may change in the future.
This isn’t intended as a personal recommendation to invest in a particular product. Your clients’ investments should be based upon their unique circumstances, attitude to risk and investment goals, and should be regularly assessed.
“Vanguard” is a trade mark of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and has been licensed for use by Vitality Life Limited.