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Product charges start low and get lower the more your clients look after their health. They can pay the lowest product charge in the market – zero – when they take steps to be healthy, reach Platinum status and invest in Vitality funds.
By making healthy lifestyle choices, your clients can save more on product charges through our Healthy Living Discount. Giving them the best chance of meeting their long-term savings objectives and enabling them to keep more of their money invested with you.
How it works
When your client invests with us, they get automatic access to our Vitality Programme at no extra cost. It’s designed to help your clients take steps towards a healthier future and rewards them with real financial benefits. By holding one of our VitalityInvest plans, they’ll qualify for the Vitality Select version of the Vitality Programme.
By doing things like staying active and tracking what they do, going for a health check or even completing a few minutes of mindfulness activity, they earn Vitality points. The healthier their efforts, the more points they can earn towards improving their Vitality status - Bronze, Silver, Gold and ultimately Platinum.
The higher their Vitality status, the more they save on product charges. Achieve Platinum status, invest in Vitality funds and they could pay £0.
Available on Vitality funds and third-party funds
All your clients can enjoy our Healthy Living Discount, irrespective of how they invest. This means you can construct model portfolios using your preferred funds and still offer even better value to your clients.Product charge cap for investments over £250,000
For clients with larger investment pots, we’ll apply a zero product charge on the amount above £250,000, reducing the compounding effect of charges.
See what your clients could pay in product charges
Picture this
Your client opens a VitalityInvest Retirement Plan with Healthy Fee Saver and invests £100,000 in Vitality funds.Your client engages in the Vitality Programme, earning Vitality points as they go, and reaching Platinum status in year two.
Year 1 |
Bronze status |
Silver status |
Gold status |
Monthly product charge |
£19.79 |
£14.38 |
£11.46 |
Savings |
£0 |
£5.41 |
£8.33 |
Year 2 |
Gold status |
Platinum status |
Monthly product charge |
£11.46 |
£0 |
Savings |
£8.33 |
£19.79 |
Save £2,100 over 10 years
If your client maintains Platinum status from year three, they could save up to £2,100 extra over 10 years.Assumptions: The value of investment remains the same over the ten years. Healthy Living Discount calculated using the following example: in year one, your client spends 2 months on Bronze, 3 months on Silver, 7 months on Gold. In year 2, your client spends 8 months on Gold and 4 months on Platinum. Your client then maintains Platinum status from year 3 until year 10.
Where to next?
Healthy Fee Saver with Boosters
Find out how your clients can give their investments a boost over the longer term when they invest in Vitality funds.
Junior ISA
Choosing a VitalityInvest Junior ISA is an ideal way for your clients to invest on behalf of their children and give them a financial head start.
Retirement Plan
Discover our personal pension plans that allow your clients to save towards their retirement and access their savings flexibly when they retire.
The value of investments – and the income from them – can go down as well as up, meaning you may get back less than you invest.
This isn’t intended as a personal recommendation to invest in a particular product. Your clients’ investments should be based on their unique circumstances, attitude to risk and investment goals, and should be regularly assessed.

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